the support you want.





Hey Girl Hey | | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith

You being here is no mystery.

At this point, you’re probably tired of things being the way they are and you need a change. Or you’re a hopeful optimistic who wants to follow your dreams and just needs a little help being pointed in the right direction. Or perhaps, you want to learn skills to love yourself daily.

No matter why you’re here, the fact of the matter is that developing your self love and confidence is hard. And you know what? You’re not alone! 

Hey Girl Hey | | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith
Hey Girl Hey | | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith

Experiencing the kind of joy that comes from self love can be life changing when you live it on a daily basis.

But it’s hard to feel positive when most days feel like this:

  • You don’t like the way you feel or look

  • You feel stuck, and you’re tired of worrying and overthinking everything

  • You feel guilty when you have to say “no” to others, even if it’ll inconvenience you by saying “yes”

  • You compare yourself to others often and never feel good enough

  • You feel resentful because you know others take advantage of you and don’t appreciate how good you are to them

  • You don’t feel respected in your relationships and you’re tired of people walking all over you

  • You don’t understand why you never feel better even when your goals or needs are met

  • You feel secretly annoyed or envious when you see other people having the things you know you should also have

  • You may already have most of the things you need to be happy in life, but continue to remain unfulfilled daily and want some answers

  • You’re afraid of rejection and aren’t sure if you can achieve your dreams, so you do nothing to be rejected (including succeeding)

  • Tired of hearing yourself complain about the same problems over and over again, year after year, and with no change

You don’t have to continue feeling unhappy.

At this point, you’re probably tired of things being the way they are and you need a change. Or you’re a hopeful optimistic who wants to follow your dreams and just needs a little help being pointed in the right direction. Or perhaps, you want to learn skills to love yourself daily.

No matter why you’re here, the fact of the matter is that developing your self love and confidence is hard. And you know what? You’re not alone! 


Believe having better self love and confidence will improve their life

Having better confidence will improve all of your relationships: the one with yourself, with your significant other, your friends and family and at work. Imagine walking into any room and feeling proud about who you are on the inside. Not only will you start treating yourself better, but others will too because they’ll be following your lead. During our sessions, I’ll teach you how being Femme will do just that.

Hey Girl Hey | | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith
Hey Girl Hey | | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith
Hey Girl Hey | | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith

Are too hard on themselves every day, but want to stop it

You want to feel better, that’s clear; but in order to feel better, how you talk to your self (aka your self-talk) will have to improve. During our sessions, I’ll teach you to be Femme and use it as an advantage to treat yourself better. You’ll learn ways to use Femmebombs to boost your view of yourself, and activities that make you feel good.

Hey Girl Hey | | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith
Hey Girl Hey | | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith
Hey Girl Hey | | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith

If this is you, then we’re a perfect match to work together.

Hey Girl Hey | | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith

SIMPLE, affordable plans just for you



We get it: when you’re busy, it can be hard to find time to do the things you know you need to do. Well, we solved your problem for you! Now, no matter if you’re just not feeling as talkative today, or can only work on yourself in between classes, work or family time, you can still reach out and get the answers you need. All you have to do is write your thoughts and feelings down on the fly. We’ll respond to you and give you the clarity you’re looking for.



This is us, one-on-one for 45 minutes over Zoom. It’s your personal time and investment in yourself. We’ll talk about what’s going on with you and help you make improvements the HGH way. Plus, our sessions can take place exactly where you are and you can wear whatever you want. Convenience, and self love the easy way!

Women like you. Real Results.

First, I bought the worth journal and it was so helpful. I filled it out and wanted to talk through some of the bad feelings that came up for me when completing it, so I went to coaching. Ladies, when you hit the point where you’re just not happy with yourself, there’s no need to wait to change it all around. Coaching taught me that self care only goes so far if you don’t actually deal with what’s wrong and fix it. You just gotta grin and bare it like I did. In the end, it’s all worth it! This is the happiest I’ve felt in years. And the most I’ve been clear in who I was.

- Crystal J.

I really struggled with self-confidence most of my life. I am plus size and never really thought I looked as pretty as other women did. I’ve tried diets all of my life and the weight never came off – which made me feel even worse on the inside. Coaching really helped me learn how to stop apologizing for who I am and start appreciating me for me. I even started communicating better which makes a big difference in my relationships with others and helping to get the respect I deserve. 

- Nicole H.

My husband and I were having problems and I really struggled with having any confidence or feeling beautiful. Coaching really helped me learn that I am enough just as I am. It also taught me that I get to choose what I accept and I can teach others how to better treat me by how I treat myself. As I focused more on me, it helped my relationship improve too. I’m super grateful. 

- Jane T.

Cori is the best. Not only is she already a therapist, but she is one of the most down to earth and nice people! You can tell she loves what she does and it shows in how she talks with you. She helped me work on my anxiety and learn how to make decisions that make me feel at peace with myself. She was a big motivator to me and I don’t think I would have learned how to start making decisions that made me happy the way I did if it wasn’t for her.

- Nadia M.