How To Stop Comparing Yourself

Everywhere you turn, women are everywhere…..especially the gorgeous, skinny women because that’s all the media shows us. What sucks is it’s easy to get pulled into the mess of thinking that you look nothing like that, so you start to be beat up on yourself. Or you start scrolling through Instagram and see all the women who have perfect hair, makeup, clothes, and bodies. Even their teeth seem perfect. I mean just dag on perfect and pearly white like the crest commercial. Yuck! Lol.

I know you don’t mean to compare. It just happens like that. That’s because compare-itis is real. Ladies, comparing yourself is your number one killer!

Here’s the thing: you’re automatically putting yourself at a disadvantage by comparing yourself to others because you’re putting others on an (unfair) pedestal. Insecurity shows it’s ugly little head shortly after because you start attaching your self love and worth to how much better or worse you add up to the accomplishments of others. The problem is, no matter how good you are at something there is always the possibility that someone is so much better. And sooner or later you’ll run into someone that is. So by comparing yourself to others, your self love most definitely begins to take a huge dive because it causes you to start doubting yourself (after appearing like you fall short to others). Long story short: Comparing yourself robs you of the opportunity to be you.

What if I told you that women who love themselves don’t need the opinions of others to define them. They define themselves. They do things that make them happy (no matter what’s going on around them). They don’t look at the next woman and decide she’s a threat. They congratulate her for being her beautiful, unique self and keep it moving.

So how do you learn to stop comparing yourself? You learn to put yourself in situations that support your self love. You feed your soul with positivity first and foremost. Pour into your life positive compliments about yourself and talk positively about your goals (affirmations are great for this reason). Spend time cherishing the good parts of you and make an effort to work on the bad without using any negative or harsh judgment. 

You can also learn to stop comparing by choosing to spend time doing things that celebrate you. Celebrate yourself when you do something positive. Take a moment to grab a glass of wine and read your favorite book or watch the show that makes you laugh. For an idea on celebrating yourself, check out our shop: click here.

We also offer a worth journal that is fantastic at helping you learn to love and celebrate yourself: click here

Overall, either way you slice it, comparing yourself is the enemy to growing your self love and learning to be the confident woman you’re supposed to be.

Want to talk about this a little more? Let’s talk some more in a coaching session: click here


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