If you ever wondered to yourself “how can I improve the quality of my life?”, I would say to take a look at two things: Your self love and your faith. When you have faith, ultimately you come to learn your purpose, and more consequently, your worth. And when you begin to prioritize your self love, you also find your worth. As you can imagine, this is why both are so very important. And all that’s missing is using a journal to get the results you’re hoping for. 

Because knowing your worth is so essential, I want to spend time explaining one simple way to achieve it right before your eyes. Yes, love, I’m talking about journaling. And for all of my beautiful women who already feel like they subscribe to working on their self love and faith on the daily, I would ask have you started a journal yet? Have you been documenting your journey? 

Honestly, journaling is one of the most amazing skills out there. It allows you to live a more intentional life, and that’s because you’re finally taking the time to write down and share the things that are on your mind. Personally, journaling was a lifesaver for me because it allowed me to get grounded in my feelings and decipher what was real or not in my life, but also empowered me to love myself and learn to put myself first.

Here are some of the top reasons journaling can help you:

Using a daily journal reminds you that your life is special and it’s worth living.

Every time that you write down a message, it’s your story. Literally, your story. And when you take the time to look back on things that you wrote, and how you felt about it, it reminds you that you’ve been through a lot and all of that made you who you are today. That definitely is worth celebrating! Plus, even when you include or consider the parts about yourself that are difficult, journaling helps give you insight into that time and reminds you of how far you’ve come and how much you continue to grow daily. Overall, journaling is a win-win for you and your daily growth.

A daily journal can really help you get confident in who you are.

As women, being confident is one of the biggest things that we struggle with every day. Thus, every time you write down your life stories on paper, you begin to look at yourself in a new way and can become proud of who you think you are.

Also, throughout the journaling process, you’ll be able to better define what you like and dislike, your goals, and your passion for life. Journaling will help you uncover and dive deep into the parts of you that you don’t even know or could uncover in a whole new way. Think of it as journaling gives you a chance to finally say hello to who you really are.

Journaling helps you give back.

Now this is one of the most exciting parts of journaling for me. Through my journaling, I started taking a look at my life-changing choices and thought about how I could use that story to bless someone else and help them to learn from what I’ve already been through. So not only did journaling open me up the world of myself, but it allowed me to realize that I’m not alone and I can help other women with my story. I came to understand that my story was that powerful and should be shared in a way that pays it forward to women.

Journaling helps you to recover (from the craziness of life) daily.

As time continues to pass, women struggle more and more to detach from all of their responsibilities. It’s almost like we have a hard time learning to live in the moment and cherish ourselves as we are. So when you take a moment to reflect, you’re about to finally write down the things you’ve got done that day and what needs to be moved to a different day, jot down your feelings, and mentally provide yourself time to move on and heal from everything good and bad that transpired during that day. In others words, journaling will give you a chance to take a much needed mental break! 

Although there’s tons of additional reasons why journaling is happy and healthy for you, I didn’t want to forgot to take a moment to breakdown how to actually journal.


When women ask me how they can start journaling, I usually ask them what is one of their favorite parts about a journal? Typically, I hear all kinds of answers. I think for some women, journaling is about how pretty they can make the pages look while using different color pens to write with; while for other women it’s all about releasing their story. Similarly, for some women, journaling is about scribbling out all their thoughts…while other women use it as a planner. Literally the things you can do with a journal are endless. 

So, in order to jump in to journaling head first, I recommend you find the part of journaling that you love and start there. It doesn’t have to be a hard task, you just have to start somewhere. And once you have that decided, pick the things you want to share about yourself and make that your focus. Personally, I recommend themes for each journal in order to help you stay on track. I literally have journals with every type of theme going on in my life, and I write until I run out of space.

If you’re anything like me, journaling will feel so natural to you as you continue the process, so you won’t need any guidance as to what to write about. But if you do prefer prompts, then the best way to use them is to try to ask yourself questions in order to get your thoughts flowing. You’ll literally fill your page in no time. 

Here’s an example of a self-created journal prompt: If you’re working on a journal about how to love yourself, then ask yourself questions like what does love mean to me? What would loving myself look like today? Are the ways that I give love to others the way that I would like to be loved? You use those kinds of questions and the journal entry can be about answering that information. 

The last and most honest way to start journaling is to set aside time to journal daily. With our busy schedules, you may feel like you don’t have any extra time in the world to journal, but believe me you can find 3 minutes to jump in and try. In truth, by setting aside time daily, it will become a daily habit in no time. Now for all our lovely planner ladies out there, simply schedule it on your to-do list on write it inside of your planner. Either way, make an honest attempt at journaling by putting time aside that is just for you to celebrate and do you. 

Looking for a journal to write this down in? We offer a variety of positive and inspirational self love notebooks in our shop. Simply click here.


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