We help you





Generous With Self Love Women's T-shirt | Hey Girl Hey | heygirlhey.org | Convos + Resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith

Hey Girl Hey is a life-changing, self love movement

We are a global movement to radically inspire women to unapologetically be themselves, love the woman they are, and be happy with who they continue growing to be.

We are leveraging the power of sisterhood + community to help women heal and evolve their lives for the better.

We are your safe space to be supported + celebrated.

Invest in yourself and join us.

Hey Girl Hey | heygirlhey.org | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith

“There is beauty in being yourself”

Self love inspires us all to be our best. We self love to grow, inspire others around us and reclaim the beautiful power we hold within ourselves as women.

Hey Girl Hey | heygirlhey.org | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith

Grow your self love with us.

Here are the tools to get started today:

Hey Girl Hey | heygirlhey.org | A self love movement for women

Our private membership group is the epitomy of sisterhood at your fingertips! In addition to women who are supportive, you’ll also get insider tips, tools, products, and resources that are exclusively shared only in that group. Plus, our founder, Dr. Cori Harley (self love coach + psychologist) runs included q&a sessions to answer all of your self love questions.

Are you ready to join the self love group that will directly change your life?

Hey Girl Hey | heygirlhey.org | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith
Hey Girl Hey | heygirlhey.org | A self love movement for women
Hey Girl Hey | heygirlhey.org | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith

Shop our entire selection of self love products and gifts. Journals + Notebooks, T-Shirts, Stickers and Jewelry.

Hey Girl Hey | heygirlhey.org | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith
Hey Girl Hey | heygirlhey.org | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith
Hey Girl Hey | heygirlhey.org | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith

We have 1 on 1 self love coaching sessions + programs from you to choose from. And the best part is, you can do it all on your own timing! Schedule a video or email session and get started today.

Hey Girl Hey | heygirlhey.org | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith
Hey Girl Hey | heygirlhey.org | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith
Hey Girl Hey | heygirlhey.org | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith

We have 1 on 1 self love coaching sessions + programs from you to choose from. And the best part is, you can do it all on your own timing! Schedule a video or email session and get started today.

Hey Girl Hey | heygirlhey.org | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith
Hey Girl Hey | heygirlhey.org | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith
Hey Girl Hey | heygirlhey.org | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith
Hey Girl Hey | heygirlhey.org | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith

Women just like you. Getting the self love they deserve.

“I’m one of those girls that loves self help, so I jumped on a chance to get coaching. I know it sounds simple, but how you treat yourself is how everyone else will treat you. So we worked on boundaries and also learning how to prioritize myself. I feel more confident in myself overall, and I learned how to say NO in 2.5 seconds when I feel uncomfortable doing something! To me that’s a win-win.”

Kate B.

“I know self love is important, but I didn’t realize that learning how to invest in myself would be the way to recharge my life. I needed a lot of help letting go of my hurts and learning how to set boundaries. By the time I finished the whole program, I felt free again. I couldn’t recommend this enough.”

Hey Girl Hey | heygirlhey.org | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith

Laura B.

“I’m a mom and wife, and a tired one at that! Sometimes, I feel like I give everything I have to my family and nothing to me. So I decided to give coaching a try to learn how to take care of myself just like I do everyone else. I’m still a work in progress, but one of the best things I learned was how to save 5 minutes each day for myself and how that makes me feel so much happier when I do.”

Hey Girl Hey | heygirlhey.org | Convos + resources about self love + mental health + relationships + faith

Jennifer N.